Tookems serve as the tempered leaders of rambunctious gangs of Teeki wherever they go. Partly, the Teeki love to tease and annoy any Tookem they come across, but in return, they slowly learn the lessons and wisdom it teaches them.
It is believed that, under normal circumstances, Teeki transform into Tookem only when they have expanded their understanding beyond what they were willing to consider before. Tookem masks are far more ornate than their Teeki counterparts, typically featuring a tall crest and colourful feathers. The carvings themselves will often be dyed, usually in bright, sharp colours. Many think that these added decorations are mementos of some kind, or perhaps empower the creature's magic in some way.
Perhaps the most obvious visual cue indicating this added maturity is that a Tookem doesn’t summon its flame unless it has to. Where Teeki will happily hold fire in their hands just for the fun and spectacle of it, a Tookem will use it to teach, aid, and fight as required. They’re not entirely humourless, however, and will sometimes play tricks of their own, on humans and other creatures alike.
Like Teeki, Tookem value their masks and decorate them in a variety of ways, including carvings and vibrant paints. However, they’re never seen to carve their masks themselves, much like Teeki. In fact, some believe that the masks themselves lead to the creation of the spirits, but this is truly a “who came first - the Fowler or the egg?” question.
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