

True to the precedent set by the Brawler’s name, the Brawlot’s equally simple. They brawl. A lot All of the time, really, if the opportunity presents itself.

Set apart by their larger frames, horns, and the yellow spots in their skin, Brawlots seem to subscribe to the idea of fighting smarter and harder. They’ll use whatever they can get their hands on as improvised weapons, shields, or even armour, making the most of what they’ve found in furthering their fighting careers. This, combined with their near ceaseless physical exercise, means that most Brawlots tend to have quite the odour.

When encountering a Brawler, however, Brawlots often seem to take on a mentorship role rather than that of a rival. They’ve been known to teach Brawlers the things that they themselves have learned or been taught over the years, seemingly for no other reason than to ensure that the young Brawlers have the best chance possible at succeeding. In this, the Lorekeepers of the Wingfolk find a strange yet noble kindred spirit.

The Triumvians, for their part see their own traditions in them too. Some even wonder whether or not Brawlot’s kin shaped their tríbe, or if their tribe somehow shaped them. A classic fowler and the egg question, to be sure.

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