Our latest update—Pixelmon Evolution 2—went live on May 1st, bringing new and exciting changes to our growing ecosystem. To celebrate this development, Pixelmon’s official Twitter hosted a Twitter Spaces event, where holders had the chance to be among the first to experience the evolutions and get answers to common questions from the community.
If you're interested in learning more about evolving your Pixelmon, follow the helpful thread on Pixelmon's Twitter: How to Evolve Your Pixelmon! You can also view the new evolutions on the Pixelmon Twitter page as they're posted, or delve into the zoology section of the Pixelmon website.
For a more comprehensive understanding of the evolution mechanics and their various benefits, check out Pixelmon Evolutions on our blog. There, you'll learn about our innovative Right-of-Game (RoG) system, which transforms the way gaming franchises are built by decentralising ownership of game IP and fostering a more inclusive and engaging experience.
Pixelmon Evolution 2 FAQ’s
How can I evolve my Pixelmon?
You can evolve your Pixelmon by burning an E2 Serum NFT through the Serum Burn mechanism on the Pixelmon website. You can also follow this cstep-by-step guide on how to evolve your Pixelmon, on our Twitter page.
What are the benefits of evolving?
Evolving your Pixelmon offers many benefits including new unique animated art, access to a dedicated sub-pool of licensing revenue for RoG, an increased chance to win an E3 serum and an L2 copy of the NFT (usable in-game). There will also be potential unannounced benefits in the form of special collectors' rewards and more which will be announced later within our Discord, Twitter or in our newsletter.
What happens to my Pixelmon when I evolve?
When you evolve your Pixelmon, it transforms into an entirely new E2 Pixelmon L1 NFT with the benefits mentioned above. This process involves one E1 Pixelmon and one Serum. The process will burn your serum, but leave you with an E1 and E2 variant of your Pixelmon at the end of the 30-day staking period.
How do I know if a Pixelmon has evolved?
You can visit check.pixelmon.ai to see if a Pixelmon has been evolved.
Will there be a cut off date for Pixelmon Evolutions?
There is no cut off date currently set, however, be sure to pay attention to our Discord and Twitter pages as any updates will be announced there as soon as possible.
How do E2 Pixelmon work within Trainer Adventures?
E2 Pixelmon functions the same as E1 Pixelmon, wherein you will need a trainer attached to it and it will provide you with an additional ticket for the adventure.
Do I need an E2 to get an E3?
Yes. You would need both an E3 serum and an E2 Pixelmon to evolve in order to get an E3 Pixelmon.
Are there benefits to owning the Pixelmon Trainer, E2 and E3 that come from an E1?
The largest benefit comes from holding E1 + E2 of the same type and a Trainer from the same tribe. It does not specifically need to be from the original E1, just the same species and tribe.
Where can I see the Pixelmon second evolutions?
You can view the new evolutions on the Pixelmon Twitter page as they're posted or delve into the zoology section on the Pixelmon website.
Will I be able to evolve my Pixelmon in-game, and if so, will it have RoG benefits?
Pixelmon L2 creatures will be evolvable in-game, however, L1 NFT’s are only evolvable through Serum Burn, and they are the only Pixelmon eligible for RoG benefits.
How will E2’s work with other deliverables, are they comparable to E1’s?
E2’s will be eligible for various benefits similar to E1’s, including RoG and all other benefits tied to the 2 collections. They will possess a few slight differences, as E1’s will always be the core, key element to our ecosystem. For the full range of benefits, the best approach is to own one of each of our current collections, a Pixelmon E1, E2 and Trainer.
More details can be found in our article on Pixelmon Evolutions.
Will higher rarities have increased chances of getting an E3 serum?
E3 serum distribution is unaffected by rarity.
How will E2’s work with badges and the collector’s profile?
There will be specific E2 Pixelmon Badges, only accessible via owning an E2. E2 Pixelmon will also be featured on the collector’s profile.
What’s the benefit of evolving less rare Pixelmon compared to rarer ones?
Evolving less rare Pixelmon can provide a higher upside in RoG benefits if that species has fewer E2 NFTs and a fixed subpool of royalties. This means you could earn a larger share of the licensing revenue for that species.
What about Kevin?
For now, Kevin is unable to evolve, however, the future of Kevin lies in the community's hands and more will be discussed and revealed later.
Will I have to hardstake after evolving?
Yes, there is a 30-day period for both your evolution 1, and evolution 2 Pixelmon. Once this period is over, you will be able to manually un-stake your Pixelmon.
Can an E1 Pixelmon be evolved more than once?
No, an E1 Pixelmon cannot be evolved more than once. To find out if a Pixelmon has already been evolved, you can refer to check.pixelmon.ai.
To stay up to date with the latest news, updates, and insights on Pixelmon, make sure to follow our official Twitter page t and follow us on Discord. Additionally, don't forget to subscribe to the Pixelmon newsletter to receive all the important information straight to your inbox!